Famed Addiction Treatment Organization Hazelden Launches Mobile MORE® Field ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, the new Field Guide to Life app creates a supportive bridge between a recovering addict's treatment and the challenges of the world outside of addiction treatment. Hazelden's Field Guide to Life app comes in ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, the new Field Guide to Life app creates a supportive bridge between a recovering addict's treatment and the challenges of the world outside of addiction treatment. Hazelden's Field Guide to Life app comes in ...
Famed Addiction Treatment Organization Hazelden Launches ...
Famed Addiction Treatment Organization Hazelden Launches Mobile MORE® Field Guide To Life, A New iPhone App For People in Recovery.
Famed Addiction Treatment Organization Hazelden Launches Mobile MORE® Field Guide To Life, A New iPhone App For People in Recovery.
Sex And Love Addiction Aren't Different -- They're The Same
Huffington Post
A girl just needs to go out and conquer something: The love addict flips and becomes the sexaddict. Or you use sex as a coin to buy affection, assuming that if someone becomes your lover, there must be love involved. Or you discover that once you ...
Heroin addict tricked six-year-old into burglary
South Wales Evening Post
Heroin addict Karen Toylzia Richards lifted the child into the house through a conservatory window and asked her to fetch a laptop computer. The 23-year-old, of Ffordd y Brain, Fforesthall, had falsely claimed to be the owner of the house and to have ...
Bethlehem heroin addict admits to strong-arm robberies
Allentown Morning Call
By Riley Yates, Of The Morning Call A Bethlehem man who committed two strong-arm robberies to feed a drug addiction has been sentenced to up to 15 years in state prison. Jorge L. Diaz, 37, pleaded guilty Friday in Northampton County Court to a March ...
Huffington Post
A girl just needs to go out and conquer something: The love addict flips and becomes the sexaddict. Or you use sex as a coin to buy affection, assuming that if someone becomes your lover, there must be love involved. Or you discover that once you ...
Heroin addict tricked six-year-old into burglary
South Wales Evening Post
Heroin addict Karen Toylzia Richards lifted the child into the house through a conservatory window and asked her to fetch a laptop computer. The 23-year-old, of Ffordd y Brain, Fforesthall, had falsely claimed to be the owner of the house and to have ...
Bethlehem heroin addict admits to strong-arm robberies
Allentown Morning Call
By Riley Yates, Of The Morning Call A Bethlehem man who committed two strong-arm robberies to feed a drug addiction has been sentenced to up to 15 years in state prison. Jorge L. Diaz, 37, pleaded guilty Friday in Northampton County Court to a March ...
Simon Cowell starts addiction treatment
Times of India
Simon Cowell is reportedly visiting an addiction clinic to help beat his 15-plus a day cigarette habit. It has been revealed that the 52-year-old music mogul, who has admitted he started smoking at age eight, is seeking help at the top London facility ...
Help for those who are affected by alcoholism
Bexhill Observer
She has been going to Al-Anon meetings since 1962 - two years after she married and discovered her husband was an alcoholic. In those days alcoholism was not seen as a recognised illness and she had no idea how to deal with the fact he was always ...
Brain Differences May Explain Greater Addiction Risk in Teens
January 23, 2012 — New research may help explain why adolescents are more susceptible toaddiction and mental illnesses than adults. Researchers found that the dorsal striatum — a region of the brain involved in learning, habit formation, ...
The West Wind: Life Changing Substance.
There are several risks that come with being an alcoholic; there are physical and psychological effects, physical effects, social risks, mental health and behavior risk and legal risk. Alcoholism:Alcoholism is an addiction to the consumption of ...
Former Exchange Bandit looks to help others
They've have drug addictions and alcohol addictions along with gambling addictions, and unfortunately the gambling addiction is not identified," he said in an interview with CBC News. Pinto was convicted in 2009 of robbing 10 banks in Toronto and Peel ...

Rise in addiction spur calls to monitor prescription drugs
St. Louis Beacon
By Eric Berger, special to the Beacon Jason Eccker rarely counsels a cocaine addict, and he can't remember the last time he encountered someone addicted to methamphetamine. He started working at a residential treatment facility in south St. Louis about ...
Drug addiction by youth needs attention by political parties
Punjab Newsline
By Avinash Chopra CHANDIGARH:Beyond the political sloganeering and speeches intended to influence the people in Punjab, it is difficult to find out the acceptable solutions to check drug-use and use of alcohol as means to lure the voters in the forth ...
Wirral drug addict who preferred prison to freedom is back behind bars
Wirral Globe
A WIRRAL drug addict who prefers being in jail to freedom was today put back behind bars for two and a half years. Sentencing Paul Hodgson a judge said: "It is sad that you are happy in custody and the conclusion of a probation officer is that it suits ...
Tuki expresses concern over opium cultivation
Assam Tribune
ITANAGAR, Jan 23 – Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Nabam Tuki has expressed concerns over cultivation of opium in at least five districts of the State and the resultant addiction among the people. Interacting with officials from Institute of Narcotics ...
Times of India
Simon Cowell is reportedly visiting an addiction clinic to help beat his 15-plus a day cigarette habit. It has been revealed that the 52-year-old music mogul, who has admitted he started smoking at age eight, is seeking help at the top London facility ...
Help for those who are affected by alcoholism
Bexhill Observer
She has been going to Al-Anon meetings since 1962 - two years after she married and discovered her husband was an alcoholic. In those days alcoholism was not seen as a recognised illness and she had no idea how to deal with the fact he was always ...
Brain Differences May Explain Greater Addiction Risk in Teens
January 23, 2012 — New research may help explain why adolescents are more susceptible toaddiction and mental illnesses than adults. Researchers found that the dorsal striatum — a region of the brain involved in learning, habit formation, ...
The West Wind: Life Changing Substance.
There are several risks that come with being an alcoholic; there are physical and psychological effects, physical effects, social risks, mental health and behavior risk and legal risk. Alcoholism:Alcoholism is an addiction to the consumption of ...
Former Exchange Bandit looks to help others
They've have drug addictions and alcohol addictions along with gambling addictions, and unfortunately the gambling addiction is not identified," he said in an interview with CBC News. Pinto was convicted in 2009 of robbing 10 banks in Toronto and Peel ...
Rise in addiction spur calls to monitor prescription drugs
St. Louis Beacon
By Eric Berger, special to the Beacon Jason Eccker rarely counsels a cocaine addict, and he can't remember the last time he encountered someone addicted to methamphetamine. He started working at a residential treatment facility in south St. Louis about ...
Drug addiction by youth needs attention by political parties
Punjab Newsline
By Avinash Chopra CHANDIGARH:Beyond the political sloganeering and speeches intended to influence the people in Punjab, it is difficult to find out the acceptable solutions to check drug-use and use of alcohol as means to lure the voters in the forth ...
Wirral drug addict who preferred prison to freedom is back behind bars
Wirral Globe
A WIRRAL drug addict who prefers being in jail to freedom was today put back behind bars for two and a half years. Sentencing Paul Hodgson a judge said: "It is sad that you are happy in custody and the conclusion of a probation officer is that it suits ...
Tuki expresses concern over opium cultivation
Assam Tribune
ITANAGAR, Jan 23 – Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Nabam Tuki has expressed concerns over cultivation of opium in at least five districts of the State and the resultant addiction among the people. Interacting with officials from Institute of Narcotics ...
Gallia coalition being formed to combat drug abuse
Daily Sentinel
Comprised of local public officials and local and state alcohol and drug addiction specialists, the group is now known as “Hope: a Coalition for a Drug-Free Gallia County.” During an organizational meeting held on Thursday, the newly formed group began ...
Former drug addict talks to Baltimore students
Northumberland News
That first sample of marijuana led to crime and poor choices, Mr. Glasgow told a group of 26 Grade 6 students gathered for Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) graduation at Baltimore Public School on Jan. 18. "Believe it or not, I once sat where you ...
Insidious Alcoholism | Alcohol Addiction Treatment
By admin
Home · Alcohol Addiction Treatment · Alcohol Recovery · Alcoholic Treatment. Insidious Alcoholism. Posted by admin on January 23rd, 2012. Luxury Drug Rehab has emerged as the superpower in the domain or drug and Alcohol rehab. While their unflinching faith on their own evaluation process has been able to elevate some of the finest drug ... When the treatment center encompasses various other activities for reinstating the confidence on the addict, you need to pay a good price.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Daily Sentinel
Comprised of local public officials and local and state alcohol and drug addiction specialists, the group is now known as “Hope: a Coalition for a Drug-Free Gallia County.” During an organizational meeting held on Thursday, the newly formed group began ...
Former drug addict talks to Baltimore students
Northumberland News
That first sample of marijuana led to crime and poor choices, Mr. Glasgow told a group of 26 Grade 6 students gathered for Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) graduation at Baltimore Public School on Jan. 18. "Believe it or not, I once sat where you ...
Insidious Alcoholism | Alcohol Addiction Treatment
By admin
Home · Alcohol Addiction Treatment · Alcohol Recovery · Alcoholic Treatment. Insidious Alcoholism. Posted by admin on January 23rd, 2012. Luxury Drug Rehab has emerged as the superpower in the domain or drug and Alcohol rehab. While their unflinching faith on their own evaluation process has been able to elevate some of the finest drug ... When the treatment center encompasses various other activities for reinstating the confidence on the addict, you need to pay a good price.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Addiction to Alcohol: Myths & Facts
By Military Family Admin
Addiction to Alcohol: Myths & Facts. Written by Military Family Admin. | January 23, 2012. Being able to tell myth from fact is an important step in recognizing and preventing alcohol abuse. Use this worksheet to see how certain myths have ...
Military Family
Addiction Levels Increase As Prescription Drug Abuse Aided By ...
By erica
Gastric Bypass Surgery Linked To Alcoholism. Addiction Levels Increase As Prescription Drug Abuse Aided By Online Pharmacies. Young Americans experiencing levels of prescription drug abuse that are already excessive and still growing.
StopAddiction Blog
By erica
Gastric Bypass Surgery Linked To Alcoholism. Addiction Levels Increase As Prescription Drug Abuse Aided By Online Pharmacies. Young Americans experiencing levels of prescription drug abuse that are already excessive and still growing.
StopAddiction Blog
Married to functioning alcoholic with 3 young kids - SoberRecovery ...
By paigemc
Hi! I'm new here and hoping I'm in the right place..... I'm 31, have 3 young kids and married to a functioning alcoholic for 8 years. Early in our. ... Only now I realize that until he takes his alcoholismseriously and gets help I'm going to see that guy every couple of months. He is good with the kids and keeps up with what needs to be done around the house. .... 2011 Recovery Marketing Services, Inc. A proud member of the SoberRecovery® Network of Addiction and Recovery Websites ...
SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug...
Marriage and the family, part II: alcoholism | 20th Century Woman
By Old Woman
I knew Willis, my second husband, had a drinking problem before we were married, but I had only a dim understanding of the disease of alcoholism. I didn't realize that Hugh, my third husband, was analcoholic until we had been married for ...
20th Century Woman
Techlicious: Drug Addict & Internet Addict Brains Similar | PC Pitstop
By techlicious
The study, which looked at 17 kids with signs of Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) and 17 with normal web use, found one important difference: the brains of kids prone to IAD showed a disruption to connections in the nerve fibers that link areas ...
PC Pitstop
Despite the risks, mephedrone users in the UK ... - Addiction Journal
Research published online today in the journal Addiction shows that after taking mephedrone, users showed impaired working memory as well as the typical ...
Internet Porn Addiction - AskMen
Or you addicted to porn, or are your internet activities just a normal male pastime ?
The Way Out