Prescription for sure misery · On Success | Charles T. Munger: "What Carson said was that he couldn’t tell the graduating class how to be happy, but he could tell them from personal experience how to guarantee misery. Carson’s prescription for sure misery included: 1. Ingesting chemicals in an effort to alter mood or perception; 2. Envy; and 3. Resentment."

Addiction is treatable
Palm Beach Post
Addiction is now understood to be a brain disease, because scientific research has shown that alcohol and other drugs can change brain structure and function. Many people falsely believe thatdrug addiction is a failure of will or strength of character.

Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Brace for New Insurance Coverage
Carla Johnson of the Associated Press reported that only 1% of healthcare funding in the United States currently goes toward addiction, resulting in millions of alcoholics and drug addicts without help. It is estimated that only about 10% of the 23 ...

Missouri needs prescription-drug monitoring program
I lost my son, Andrew, to drug addiction that started with prescription painkillers. When those painkillers were no longer enough, he turned to heroin. He was only 22 when he died. In his memory, his friends and I founded the Andrew Eigles Memorial ...

Students on a stealing spree
Times of India
CHANDIGARH: Drug addiction is strengthening its stranglehold on youngsters in the city. Barely a week after a former BPO employee was arrested for peddling drugs to make quick money, three students were held for stealing electronic gadgets to buy drugs.

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