D.S.M. Revisions May Sharply Increase Addiction Diagnoses - NYTimes.com: " . . . Dr. O’Brien, who led the addiction working group, has been a consultant for several pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi-Aventis, all of which make drugs marketed to combat addiction. He has also worked extensively as a paid consultant for Alkermes, a pharmaceutical company, studying a drug, Vivitrol, that combats alcohol and heroin addiction by preventing craving. He was the driving force behind adding “craving” to the new manual’s list of recognized symptoms of addiction. . . . Dr. Howard B. Moss, associate director for clinical and translational research at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, in Bethesda, Md., described opposition from many researchers to adding “craving” as a symptom of addiction. He added that he quit the group working on the addiction chapter partly out of frustration with what he described as a lack of scientific basis in the decision making. “The more people diagnosed with cravings,” Dr. Moss said, “the more sales of anticraving drugs like Vivitrol or naltrexone.”
Addiction rehab patients find keeping up with cost of treatment is a struggle
Press of Atlantic City
3. Does the program adapt treatment as the patient's needs change? 5. How do 12-step or similar recovery programs fit into drug addiction treatment? More information about stateaddiction services is available at www.state.nj.us/humanservices/das.
Recovering addict blazes a new path through recovery program
Grand Forks Herald
But ever since she'd been in treatment for substance abuse, Bath felt compelled to reach out to the social worker who had taken away her children — and, in the process, forced her to reevaluate how she'd been living her life.
Substance abuse prevention institute scheduled
The Southern
JACKSON COUNTY — Illinois Teenage Institute on Substance Abuse will be from July 22 through 26 and hosted by Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington. The Illinois Sheriffs' Association is extremely is a principal sponsor for the annual institute, ...
Former Officer's Substance Abuse, Violent Outbursts, Ultimately Ended Career
But the man who worked his way up the ranks from dispatcher to patrolman in the Naugatuck Police Department seemingly battled a fierce substance abuse problem that led to physical altercations with significant others, violent public outbursts and ...
Ray Lucas: Painkiller addiction my problem, not the NFL's problem
Ray Lucas, who played quarterback in the NFL for eight seasons, says that the painkiller addiction he struggled with in retirement stems from medication he was prescribed while recuperating from injuries suffered on the field. That does not, however, ...

Q. and A. With Ray Lucas
New York Times (blog)
Ray Lucas does not blame the NFL for his addiction to prescription painkillers, and he does not blame football. After contemplating suicide, he got help, and he said he wants to throw a lifeline to others. Lucas, a former Rutgers, Jets and Dolphins ...

New York Times (blog)
Ex-NFL player Lucas takes responsibility for painkiller addiction
NFL News
By NFL.com Former NFL quarterback Ray Lucas struggled with addiction to painkiller medication that he received while recovering from football-related injuries, but he doesn't hold the league responsible, he told The New York Times on Saturday.

NFL News
Porn Addiction Can be Unlearned
Counsel & Heal
But the authors also claimed that the addiction could be "unlearned" through changing one's behavior. "Some people view it as a moral disease. We are taking the view that it's not a disease, and certainly not a moral disease.

Counsel & Heal
Ex-addict aids campaign to help gamblers
The Canberra Times
At Mission Australia, Phillip, former poker machine addict, 51 year old Chris Barrett of Chifley, chats with Mission Australia team leader, Christina Sanchez. Photo: Graham Tidy Love at first flutter, that's how Chris Barrett described his ...

The Canberra Times
Pain expert calls for GP opiates ban
Sydney Morning Herald
AUSTRALIAN GPs should be banned from prescribing opioid drugs such as oxycodone because of the risks of addiction and overdose, a visiting US pain medicine specialist says. Associate Professor of Anaesthesiology at the University of Colorado Daniel ...

Sydney Morning Herald
Clacton: Gambling addict stole £51k from employer
East Anglian Daily Times
By Colin Adwent Crime correspondent Sunday, May 13, 2012 A GAMBLING addicthas lost her family, her home, her job and now her liberty after embezzling more than £51000 from her Suffolk employer. To send a link to this page to a friend, simply enter ...

East Anglian Daily Times
Female jail inmates struggling with addiction find hope in new program
The women have trouble with substance abuse. So the founders designed a program that would house the women together. "Before when something went wrong I would just go straight to using drugs and running away from my problems.
Addressing alcoholism as a disorder
The Zimbabwe Standard
By Dr F Malik There are various psychological disorders but today I am going to talk aboutalcoholism, which isvery common nowadays. Alcoholism is a chronic and progressive disease. Alcohol abuse is a disease that is characterised by the sufferer ...
Are you addicted to Facebook?
by Elizabeth Stuart/KTAR.com contributor (May 12th, 2012 @ 9:54am) BERGEN, Norway — Psychologists from the University of Bergen in Norway have developed a new way to measure Facebook addiction. Signs that online networking may be an addiction include ...
Councillor pre-empts rivals' dirt file to reveal her own troubled past
Sydney Morning Herald
Her past life, racked with mental illness and drug addiction, was kept firmly locked away. Only a few close friends and senior members of her party were aware of her background. But, after the Greens learnt that one of Ms Doutney's opponents in the...

Sydney Morning Herald
What is an Addict? — The Good Men Project
By Tom Matlack
I am fond of the definition of addiction which goes, “someone who does something over and over again expecting different results.” The alcoholic goes on a bender entirely convinced that this time will be different. He'll be able to control his ...
The Good Men Project
Addiction diagnoses to rise | Addiction & Recovery News
By Jason Schwartz
“We can treat them earlier,” said Dr. Charles P. O'Brien, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania and the head of the group of researchers devising the manual's new addictionstandards. “And we can stop ... Dr. Howard B. Moss, associate director for clinical and translational research at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, in Bethesda, Md., described opposition from many researchers to adding “craving” as a symptom of addiction. He added that ...
Addiction & Recovery News
Bill Clegg: Surviving Addiction | Lambda Literary
By Nels P. Highberg
In 2010, Bill Clegg published Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man, a memoir chronicling a life of addiction that culminated in a two-month binge where he spent $70000 on crack, vodka, male escorts, and high-end hotel rooms. Obviously, he survived, but it wasn't easy for him or anyone else in his ... My early sobriety took place in the same streets or near the same streets where I had lived as an active alcoholic and addict. The places like the Knickerbocker, One Fifth, and Fifth Avenue ...
Lambda Literary
Wife coming home from rehab - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug ...
By Fenris
on myself and getting well, my wife cultivated an opiate addiction. It wasn't really anything new, but as with alcoholism, it got progressively worse, until last month when she was hospitalized, almost died, and involuntarily committed to rehab.
SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug...
Addiction rehab patients find keeping up with cost of treatment is a struggle
Press of Atlantic City
3. Does the program adapt treatment as the patient's needs change? 5. How do 12-step or similar recovery programs fit into drug addiction treatment? More information about stateaddiction services is available at www.state.nj.us/humanservices/das.
Recovering addict blazes a new path through recovery program
Grand Forks Herald
But ever since she'd been in treatment for substance abuse, Bath felt compelled to reach out to the social worker who had taken away her children — and, in the process, forced her to reevaluate how she'd been living her life.
Substance abuse prevention institute scheduled
The Southern
JACKSON COUNTY — Illinois Teenage Institute on Substance Abuse will be from July 22 through 26 and hosted by Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington. The Illinois Sheriffs' Association is extremely is a principal sponsor for the annual institute, ...
Former Officer's Substance Abuse, Violent Outbursts, Ultimately Ended Career
But the man who worked his way up the ranks from dispatcher to patrolman in the Naugatuck Police Department seemingly battled a fierce substance abuse problem that led to physical altercations with significant others, violent public outbursts and ...
Ray Lucas: Painkiller addiction my problem, not the NFL's problem
Ray Lucas, who played quarterback in the NFL for eight seasons, says that the painkiller addiction he struggled with in retirement stems from medication he was prescribed while recuperating from injuries suffered on the field. That does not, however, ...
Q. and A. With Ray Lucas
New York Times (blog)
Ray Lucas does not blame the NFL for his addiction to prescription painkillers, and he does not blame football. After contemplating suicide, he got help, and he said he wants to throw a lifeline to others. Lucas, a former Rutgers, Jets and Dolphins ...
New York Times (blog)
Ex-NFL player Lucas takes responsibility for painkiller addiction
NFL News
By NFL.com Former NFL quarterback Ray Lucas struggled with addiction to painkiller medication that he received while recovering from football-related injuries, but he doesn't hold the league responsible, he told The New York Times on Saturday.
NFL News
Porn Addiction Can be Unlearned
Counsel & Heal
But the authors also claimed that the addiction could be "unlearned" through changing one's behavior. "Some people view it as a moral disease. We are taking the view that it's not a disease, and certainly not a moral disease.
Counsel & Heal
Ex-addict aids campaign to help gamblers
The Canberra Times
At Mission Australia, Phillip, former poker machine addict, 51 year old Chris Barrett of Chifley, chats with Mission Australia team leader, Christina Sanchez. Photo: Graham Tidy Love at first flutter, that's how Chris Barrett described his ...
The Canberra Times
Pain expert calls for GP opiates ban
Sydney Morning Herald
AUSTRALIAN GPs should be banned from prescribing opioid drugs such as oxycodone because of the risks of addiction and overdose, a visiting US pain medicine specialist says. Associate Professor of Anaesthesiology at the University of Colorado Daniel ...
Sydney Morning Herald
Clacton: Gambling addict stole £51k from employer
East Anglian Daily Times
By Colin Adwent Crime correspondent Sunday, May 13, 2012 A GAMBLING addicthas lost her family, her home, her job and now her liberty after embezzling more than £51000 from her Suffolk employer. To send a link to this page to a friend, simply enter ...
East Anglian Daily Times
Female jail inmates struggling with addiction find hope in new program
The women have trouble with substance abuse. So the founders designed a program that would house the women together. "Before when something went wrong I would just go straight to using drugs and running away from my problems.
Addressing alcoholism as a disorder
The Zimbabwe Standard
By Dr F Malik There are various psychological disorders but today I am going to talk aboutalcoholism, which isvery common nowadays. Alcoholism is a chronic and progressive disease. Alcohol abuse is a disease that is characterised by the sufferer ...
Are you addicted to Facebook?
by Elizabeth Stuart/KTAR.com contributor (May 12th, 2012 @ 9:54am) BERGEN, Norway — Psychologists from the University of Bergen in Norway have developed a new way to measure Facebook addiction. Signs that online networking may be an addiction include ...
Councillor pre-empts rivals' dirt file to reveal her own troubled past
Sydney Morning Herald
Her past life, racked with mental illness and drug addiction, was kept firmly locked away. Only a few close friends and senior members of her party were aware of her background. But, after the Greens learnt that one of Ms Doutney's opponents in the...
Sydney Morning Herald
What is an Addict? — The Good Men Project
By Tom Matlack
I am fond of the definition of addiction which goes, “someone who does something over and over again expecting different results.” The alcoholic goes on a bender entirely convinced that this time will be different. He'll be able to control his ...
The Good Men Project
Global bioethics blog: The ethics of drug addiction research in China
By Stuart Rennie
In the abstract, those with substance abuse problems are vulnerable persons in poor health, and it would be good to have research on effective interventions to combat drug addiction. But in practice, it gets complicated. The journal Science ...
Global bioethics blog
By Stuart Rennie
In the abstract, those with substance abuse problems are vulnerable persons in poor health, and it would be good to have research on effective interventions to combat drug addiction. But in practice, it gets complicated. The journal Science ...
Global bioethics blog
Addiction diagnoses to rise | Addiction & Recovery News
By Jason Schwartz
“We can treat them earlier,” said Dr. Charles P. O'Brien, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania and the head of the group of researchers devising the manual's new addictionstandards. “And we can stop ... Dr. Howard B. Moss, associate director for clinical and translational research at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, in Bethesda, Md., described opposition from many researchers to adding “craving” as a symptom of addiction. He added that ...
Addiction & Recovery News
Bill Clegg: Surviving Addiction | Lambda Literary
By Nels P. Highberg
In 2010, Bill Clegg published Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man, a memoir chronicling a life of addiction that culminated in a two-month binge where he spent $70000 on crack, vodka, male escorts, and high-end hotel rooms. Obviously, he survived, but it wasn't easy for him or anyone else in his ... My early sobriety took place in the same streets or near the same streets where I had lived as an active alcoholic and addict. The places like the Knickerbocker, One Fifth, and Fifth Avenue ...
Lambda Literary
Wife coming home from rehab - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug ...
By Fenris
on myself and getting well, my wife cultivated an opiate addiction. It wasn't really anything new, but as with alcoholism, it got progressively worse, until last month when she was hospitalized, almost died, and involuntarily committed to rehab.
SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug...