Previous research has linked alcoholism with white matter reduction, according to the researchers, who explain that white matter forms the connections between neurons, allowing communication between different areas of the brain. In this latest study, a ...
Addict Inmate Reintegration Efforts - Where Do We Stand? (blog)
We still call the complicated process of an addict inmate coming from prison to the community: "reentry." That word is now locked in to the vernacular or argot of the prison or jail-to-community process. With it comes the picture of a space shuttle re ...
Heroin's Siren Song: The effects of a child lost to addiction is heart ...
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
They are doing so in hopes society will accurately acknowledge and comprehensively address addiction as a disease from which no one is immune, regardless of age, socioeconomic status, education, upbringing, race or residency. Overdose deaths are...
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Substance abuse in the workplace
If stopping addiction for the addict's well-being isn't reason enough to stop, is the safety of others reason enough? It is reported that one in 10 people become alcoholic. Think about ... Just one. "The personal impact of substance abuse on an ...
Russell Brand: Death of billionaire Eva Rausing shows desperation drugs ...
The Sun
The comedian was kicking about with a collection of acquaintances who were stuck in the vicious circle of illegal substance abuse funded by crime. Some were so badly sucked in they had lost limbs through the practice of their addiction. He said: “Ten ...
The Sun
Rising trend in addiction to ADD meds
Providence Eyewitness News
Dr. Timothy Wilens, Director for the Center of Addiction Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, warns that "If you're just popping them willy nilly ... that could be potentially dangerous." Rehab centers nationwide have recently seen an influx in ...
Salem-Cumberland coalition health advocates attend national substance abuse ...
Cumberland/Salem Regional Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Rebecca Alfaro Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Staff photoMembers of a Salem-Cumberland regional coalition recently attended a training institute to improvesubstance abuse ...
Alcoholism case study: Drink ruined my childhood and ended my dad's life
Scottish Daily Record
He wasn't a bad man, in many ways he was the best man I've ever known, but he was an alcoholic. He wasn't a violent drunk or an abusive drunk, he was just drunk and it ruined his life and ours. He left our whole family trying to build something out of ...
Revealed: Shocking figures show one Scottish child in 10 is living with an ...
Scottish Daily Record
Joy Barlow, head of training on drugs and alcohol at Glasgow University, said that, until now, the true extent of children living with alcoholic parents had been hidden. She said: “I was a member of the ...But she also warned that parents need to take ...
Addicts, families and gutkha de-addiction
Daily News & Analysis
De-addiction expert Dr Kalyan Gangwal said that now that the gutkha ban is in force, patients have started trickling in for help – especially since gutkha is very expensive in the black market. “I get at least four new patients daily who need help to ...
Labour MSP speaks out about alcoholic dad as shocking extent of nation's ...
Scottish Daily Record
IT has taken years for Labour MSP John Park to tell anyone about his childhood with an alcoholic dad. Even now, those close to him know little of what he went through as a teenager, when his dad George hit the bottle and then rock bottom. A combination ...
Kelly Osbourne after 50-lb. weight loss: 'I still don't consider myself skinny'
Osbourne, a former junk-food addict, also overhauled her diet to emphasize high-protein, low-fat fare. While Kelly previously ... Kelly, who battled drug addiction for years, was an emotional overeater who binged whenever she felt sad. "I was so angry...
More drug-exposed babies treated at Genesis
Zanesville Times Recorder
At Nationwide, Wispe mainly uses morphine to slowly wean the infants off their addiction. The average length of stay for a baby with NAS is 30 days, he said, but Aug. 3, he discharged a baby who had been in the hospital for 78 days. After that, the ...
Drug addict admitted stealing deodorants
Derbyshire Times
A DRUG addict who committed a string of thefts has been placed under house arrest at night by Chesterfield magistrates. Gary Newton, 42, stole £112 worth of deodorant and hair products from Boots at 9.30am on July 24, after stealing Slazenger watches ...
Derbyshire Times
Boston's Homeless Court helps defendants get a fresh start
Boston Globe
During that time, they get mental health and substance abuse counseling and a bed at the Pine Street Inn, or, for those with more severe mental health or addictionissues, at Shattuck Hospital. Defendants without a high school diploma are offered ...
Boston Globe
Why I gave up drugs
Times of India
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) — a group that fights addiction through sharing and caring — doesn't prepare case histories. Nor does it ... Princess, 35, addict for 13 years, quit 7 years ago. Runs a small ... I realised my substance abuse would only end ...
Could food cravings be addiction?
The National
Being overweight in the UAE is no laughing matter. As if carrying extra kilos around in 45¿C heat wasn't bad enough, it seems everyone is on your case. Just last month, researchers identified the Emirates as a nation that must do far more exercise if ...
The National
Friday, August 17
Sydney Morning Herald
Confessions of a Sex Addict, ABC2, 9.30pm. The perfectly named British comedian Jeff Leach likes the ladies: he's slept with 300 of them, mostly perfect strangers. He's kept a list of all their names on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which says it all ...
Sydney Morning Herald
Russell Brand: methadone is a bad way to treat heroin addicts
The Guardian
But if I seek the company and fellowship of other addicts and alcoholics – and, for me,alcoholism is no different from other facets of addiction – then, one day at a time, I have a chance of living free from this disease. I wouldn't be able to do it ...
The Guardian
Female Brain Recovers More Quickly From Alcoholism Than the Male Brain
Female Brain Recovers More Quickly From Alcoholism Than the Male Brain The long-term effects of alcohol abuse have always been linked to white matter reduction in the brain, which carries side effects that include flat affect and memory problems, but a ...
Deadly Addiction
ABQ Journal (subscription)
And those kids can buy heroin or prescription drugs near their high schools, as federal agents proved in last year's roundup around Eldorado High School — several of those arrested were former students supporting their own addiction by selling to ...
ABQ Journal (subscription)
The Lost Weekend
The Guardian
A year later Wilder put handsome romantic lead Ray Milland into his noir masterpiece The Lost Weekend as Don Birnam, an alcoholic writer hitting rock bottom on a four-day bender in New York and ending up in an alcoholic ward. ... novel (it ends on an ...
The Guardian
“Meet Obama's Slumdog brother from Huruma!!!” Leaked documentary footage ...
Newstime Africa
Leaked documentary footage depicts George Hussein Onyango Obama as a 'hopeless drunk and drug addict' · Kenya, Latest ... A lot of media attention may be drifted to the man whose grim history depicts him as an alcoholic and drug abuser. Deeply rooted ...
Troubled Gascoigne back in rehab
Yahoo! Eurosport UK
The former Newcastle, Tottenham and Rangers star has long battled with alcoholaddiction and he returned to a clinic for treatment this week, the Daily Star has reported. The paper said ... Alcoholism has many factors that affects likelihood and ...
Yahoo! Eurosport UK
Former SC Hospitality Association accountant to be sentenced Tuesday
Hilton Head Island Packet
The filing includes a descriptive narrative of Duncan's life and how she became a gambling addict. That addiction led her to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars and to blow every penny on video poker and slots. Duncan blames sexual abuse by her ...
Just For Today August 12- "Enough!" - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism ...
By lonestarTH
Do I believe in my heart that I am an addict? If the answers to these questions lead us to the doors ofNarcotics Anonymous, then we are ready to move on to the next step toward a life free from activeaddiction. If we have truly had enough, then ...
How to help teens with computer game addiction | Generation Next
By Helen Splarn
90% of children play computer games. 10% of them are addicted. The dangers of computers games have been in the news again recently with the death of a teenager in Taiwan after playing for 40 hours straight without refreshments or leaving ...
Generation Next
The Addicted Brain | Alta Mira Recovery Programs
From a scientific standpoint, the understanding of the root cause of addiction has changed dramatically over the past few generations. The concept of addiction was first framed as an issue of social delinquency or a moral failing.
Alta Mira Recovery Programs » Blog
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