But if you're in recovery from addiction, you may have overlooked some of the details that matter most. How will you handle triggers to drink ... As an addict in recovery, sometimes you have to be your own strongest advocate. Have a few responses ... (blog)
Internet Addiction: The Next New Fad Diagnosis
Huffington Post (blog)
"Internet addiction" may soon spread like wildfire. All the elements favoring fad generation are in place: the profusion of alarming books, the breathless articles in magazines and newspapers, extensive TV exposure, ubiquitous blogs, the springing up ...
Gender differences found in substance abuse habits among Mexican Americans
VOXXI (blog)
Because of the high prevalence of substance abuse among the Mexican-American population, Hispanics in general and the rest of the nation, spotting warning signs of addiction can be an important part of the recovery process. According to the American...
VOXXI (blog)
Whitney Houston helped Sparkle co-star develop drug addict character
In the upcoming remake, Ejogo plays a singer who develops a drug addiction to cope with her sudden rise to fame. And because the script so closely mirrored Houston's real life, the I Will Always Love You hitmaker, who portrays Ejogo's onscreen mum ...
Campus Marijuana Use at 'Epidemic' Levels
About - News & Issues
When you toss in a growing nationwide epidemic of pain pill addiction, parents have good reason for concern for the welfare of their young college students. When you see young people throwing away a free college education, not to mention a possible ...
Prescription drug addiction at epidemic proportions
Inyo Register
The group agreed that continued collaboration at local, state and nationwide levels are crucial in the face of what Addiction Psychiatrist and State Medical Director McCance-Katz called an opioidaddiction epidemic. Photo by Marilyn Blake Philip. Over ...
The blurry line between treating pain and feeding addiction (blog)
Prescription narcotics contribute to over 15000 deaths from overdose and more than 25000 admissions to health care facilities each year, while causing many more cases of sleep apnea, altered mental status, accidents, and addiction. As prescription ...
Men's Sexual Addiction Workshop coming to D.C. this weekend
Christian radio hosts discuss it as that dirty little secret that breaks marriages and families apart. Sexual addiction has more than enough shame to go around for the married and unmarried man. It takes on all shapes, from pornography to adultery to ...
Kim Richards set to write a book about 'Real Housewives' and alcoholism?
“The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Kim Richards has been through lots over the past year, as she dated an alcoholic while she herself was abusing alcohol to deal with her problems. She also entered rehab just before Christmas and now she is ...
World Renowned Specialist Joins Asia's First & Leading Rehab Resort
Sacramento Bee
DARA Treatment Program Director, Martin Peters, BA (Hons), Dip HE, RN, is delighted to be working with such an esteemed American expert in the fields of addiction treatment, relapse prevention therapy and cross cultural counseling. "Since the 2008 ...
Ex-girlfriend seeks revenge via Google
Salt Lake Tribune
Dear Carolyn • I work in D.C. in a field where discretion is important, and I'm a single guy on the D.C. dating scene, both of which mean I get Googled often. I just discovered that my most recent ex-girlfriend, who was a functioning alcoholic, had ...
Drug Addiction Vaccine: Medicine's Next Big Thing?
"I didn't want to use, but I didn't know how not to use," said recovering drug addictChasity Stacy. But what if stopping was as simple as getting a vaccine? Twenty-five years of research is now becoming reality for chemist Kim Janda at Scripps ...
Judge jails thieving Norwich drug addict and describes situation as 'depressing'
Norfolk Eastern Daily Press
Norwich's most senior judge has lost patience with a drug addict who continues stealing to fund his habit and has handed the man a nine-month prison sentence. Email; Print; Got a story? To send a link to this page to a friend, simply enter their email ...
Norfolk Eastern Daily Press
Comedian Now Serious over Drug-Addiction Issue
TopNews United States
The 37-year-old man has been found himself struggling to stay out of these drugs. He now wants everyone else out in the society to follow the same path and adopt a powerful measure to fight their addiction. "I think it's an issue like no other that's ...
TopNews United States
DHS to help fund recovery events
Jamestown Sun
The North Dakota Department of Human Services' Division of Mental Health and Substance AbuseServices invites communities and organizations in North Dakota to apply for funding to host public events that raise awareness and support substance abuse ...
Chaddesden drug addict embarked on £60k burglary spree to fuel his heroin habit
Derby Telegraph
A HEROIN addict who went on a £60000 crime spree across Derby to fuel his drugaddiction has been jailed. Alan Yeomans targeted 25 houses in Derby during a spate of burglaries and, on one occasion, stole £14000 worth of jewellery and photographic ...
Derby Telegraph
Seeking answers to tragic use of painkillers
Buffalo News
The meeting in Albany also included John Coppola, executive director of the New York Association of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Providers; Dr. Andrew Kolodny, president of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing and chairman of the department ...
Buffalo News
Ten Things You Can Do to Curb Your Facebook Addiction
The Nation.
Here are “Ten Things” you can do to curb your Facebook addiction—and use your resulting free time and energy to work towards social and political change. 1. Admit you have a problem. For one week, keep a log of when and why you log onto Facebook.
Fatboy Slim makes his triumphant return after conquering personal demons
The troubled performer went through tough times during a battle with alcoholism several years ago, but he made his triumphant return to the limelight atop a giant illuminated octopus at the 2012
Is Drug Addiction A Disease? | Psychology Today
By Russ Gerber
It's hardly a new question. By all accounts it's not an inconsequential one either. When the addictionquestion comes up, as it did in a recent L.A. Times story, you see a familiar pattern. Battle lines are drawn and the contest begins. At least on ...
Psychology Today Blogs
Teenty-Four Hours a Day - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug ...
By newby1961
solution to our alcoholic problem, we who are properly armed with the facts about ourselves, can generally win the entire confidence of another alcoholic. We who are making ... answer to thealcoholic problems of others? Meditation For The ...
By newby1961
solution to our alcoholic problem, we who are properly armed with the facts about ourselves, can generally win the entire confidence of another alcoholic. We who are making ... answer to thealcoholic problems of others? Meditation For The ...
Tribal “Wellness Court” - Partnership for a Drug-Free America
By Join Together Staff
One participant featured in the report must attend weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and wellness court meetings every other week, and answer to a probation officer. Program staff can require drug and alcohol testing at any time.
The Partnership
Parental Substance Misuse and Addiction – @SWSCmedia Debate ...
By Claudia
Thank you for joining us and for sharing your views on “Parental Substance Misuse and Addiction.” This was part of the @SWSCmedia debate series. Below is the summary of the discussion and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow (14 ...
Social Work/Social Care & Media
Mindfulness and Addiction Recovery: Week 2 of Josh Korda's ...
Week 2 of Josh Korda's retreat Making Friends with Your Demons and Hungry Ghosts: Buddhist Tools for Recovery begins today. Josh continues to explore and ...
Web of addiction - YouTube
Is internet addiction a real disorder? Most Asian countries see it as a serious problem but the U ...
Iowa man's blood alcohol level could have killed him
Dubuque Telegraph Herald
A 24-year-old North Liberty, Iowa man who was hospitalized with a lethally high blood alcohol level has been charged with drunken driving. Justin Clark was taken to a hospital on July 29 after he'd failed roadside tests. Police say a breath test showed ...
Follow @jmpoolecom
Week 2 of Josh Korda's retreat Making Friends with Your Demons and Hungry Ghosts: Buddhist Tools for Recovery begins today. Josh continues to explore and ...

Is internet addiction a real disorder? Most Asian countries see it as a serious problem but the U ...
Iowa man's blood alcohol level could have killed him
Dubuque Telegraph Herald
A 24-year-old North Liberty, Iowa man who was hospitalized with a lethally high blood alcohol level has been charged with drunken driving. Justin Clark was taken to a hospital on July 29 after he'd failed roadside tests. Police say a breath test showed ...
Follow @jmpoolecom