Statesman Journal
She panicked, took a bus back to Des Moines and threw herself into an addiction-treatment program. She'd gone through treatment before, but never with such a serious incentive to succeed, she said. "I was ready." She appreciates now that department ...
Internet Addiction: I Guess There's No Pill for That Yet
Business Insider
China has more than 1500 counselors who can provide psychological treatment for children or teenagers addicted to the Internet, the Beijing Morning Post reported on Aug 20. Currently, 1567 therapists in 83 cities provide help to young people who spend ...
New West Windsor outpatient addiction treatment facility answers call to serve ...
The Times of Trenton -
It has intensive outpatient programs, uniquely designed recovery plans for each patient, and space for groups like Alcoholics Anonymous to meet. Over time, the ... He's not alone. According to numbers compiled by the National Council on Alcoholism and ...
The Times of Trenton -
A Typical History (blog)
... inpatient stabilization followed by Suboxone maintenance/addiction therapy. When I entered treatment I maintained the belief that I was not an addict, and my doctor initially supported this attitude. ... When I began taking the pain medications I ...
Internet Addiction And Loneliness (blog)
ai The use of the internet is pervasive in our culture. So much that the American Psychiatric Association is recommending further research on the condition called “Internet Use Disorder” in the upcoming diagnostic manual DSM V. The disorder primarily ...
Alternatively Speaking: A healthy addiction
Jerusalem Post
A. There are indeed certain herbs which can help to treat the effects of alcoholism on the liver, therefore easing the withdrawal symptoms helping to curb alcohol cravings. A wonderful liver tonic for those fighting alcoholism is Milk Thistle. Taking ...
Scientists can now block heroin, morphine addiction
In a major breakthrough, an international team of scientists has proven that addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked, while at the same time increasing pain relief. The team from the University of Adelaide and University of Colorado ...
Breaking World Pharma News